
Last Day in London - Day 6

Last Day in London, Day 6

Last tea in London...
Visit to Abbey Road
Paddington Station
the airport, the plane, the sunset flying over home
Back home... more...
Rolling out of bed on our last day...
Daffodils and crocus on the way to Abbey Road

Crossing Abbey Road wishfully singing "Here Comes the Sun"
THE ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS!! I couldn't help but imagine every single band that walked through those very doors to create my favorite songs!! WOW! So incredible to be here. 

A random brick wall near Abbey Road
We'll miss you porridge!
Paddington Station

On the Heathrow Express
Welcome to departures...

Clearing "Homeland Security" - What, no catnip in all this?
Fresh eggs and farmer's market herbs for breakfast from a very thoughtful friend!
We brought the snow to London... and back!
The Royal collection with new additions...

The full monty